Sunday, April 29, 2007

Washington Times: Hillary Clinton Wants to Restore US Respect Abroad

By Christina Bellantoni


April 28, 2007

GREENVILLE, S.C. -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told voters here yesterday that President Bush has squandered the international good will and strong economic standing her husband, former President Bill Clinton, created in the 1990s.

"We've got to get back to where we can trust our government again," the New York Democrat said while campaigning in the early primary state.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a government again that was respected around the world?" Mrs. Clinton asked a crowd at the Allen Temple A.M.E. Church. "I think America is ready to have a president ... that will create alliances, not alienation, and I know America is ready for a president who will once and for all end the war in Iraq."

Supporters lauded Mrs. Clinton's performance in Thursday night's first-in-the-season debates, saying she proved herself the most experienced contender.

"We've got a lot of strong candidates, but there was no one stronger last night than Senator Hillary Clinton," said Andy Arnold, chairman of the Greenville Democrats, adding that the senator is "strong enough and in command enough" to run the country.

Mr. Arnold noted Mrs. Clinton "could have went anywhere today," especially a bluer, "friendlier" part of the state such as Charleston, where her top rival, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, spent part of the day.


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